Benefits of Chess

The benefits of Chess are well document and it is backed by many reputable research and studies. Chess has many mental and health benefits for both children and adults.

For long, chess has been considered as a game played only by intellectuals and individuals with critical thinking abilities. However, the fact is that chess can be played by people of all age groups and mind sets. Chess is extremely helpful in brain development, particularly when it is played regularly from a very early age. Below are some of the most important benefits of playing chess on a regular basis:

  • Playing the game of Chess on a regular basis right from the childhood improves the learning, thinking, analytical power and decision-making ability of the chess player.

  • Chess makes bothchildren and adults learn how to strategize aspects of the game and life. In addition, chess players can also learn the importance of foresight, and planning.

  • Playing the game of Chess on a regular basis right from the childhood teaches the importance of being disciplined in life.

  • Practicing Chess regularly also aids in improving the self-confidence of the player, which is extremely essential for growth and development, particularly for children.

  • In the game of chess, players learn to do a thorough analysis, research, and assessment of the situation before making any decision. Such an exercise provides mental clarity. Mental clarity and mental dexterity is required for solving problems, analyze consequences, and formulate future tactics.

  • Children playing chess from an early age exhibit extraordinary memory skills.

  • Chess also helps in improving concentration and academic performance.

  • The game of chess exercises both sides of the brain. Studies show that in order to play chess well, a player must develop and utilize his or her brain’s left hemisphere, which deals with object recognition, as well as right hemisphere, which deals with pattern recognition. The game of chess is perfect for this.

  • Chess prevents Alzheimer’s disease. A medical study involving 488 seniors by the Albert Einstein College of Medicine shows that playing chess, which stimulates brain function, measurably decreases the risk of dementia and combats its symptoms.

  • Chess helps treat schizophrenia. Doctors at the Center for Cognitive Neuroscience in Bron, France, found that schizophrenic patients who were directed to play chess on a daily basis showed improvement in their condition when compared to patients who did not play. The chess-playing patients exhibited increased attention, planning, and reasoning abilities and interestingly, elected to continue playing chess as part of their daily routine, even after the study had concluded.

On a whole, playing the game of chess is essential for transforming a child into a responsible, disciplined, and wise human being